As an artist and having participated in several group shows
as also solos, I notice the reactions and absorb the feedback which is sometimes
amusing and at times, interesting too!
Before any show, I usually feel a palpable sense of nervous excitement
to share my work, as my creative expression will be assessed by experienced
artists and include those who are regulars known to have an ‘eye’ for art. Two decades of creativity has not diminished
the pleasure of those reacting to my paintings on buying or the positive
feedback after many years of owning my work!
My experience over the years while holding solos is when
some couples do a quiet ‘tug-of-war’ over the choice! The man invariably wants a strong abstract
while his wife would prefer an abstract expressionistic work. There was this
incident at a well know art gallery in my city that while discussing the two
paintings, the wife turns and walks away, leaving the group around very nonplussed.
She quickly returned to ‘her’ painting and grandly placed the marking that
states “SOLD”! “That’s mine!” she
grandly stated while her husband sighed.
Later on he told me that they don’t have enough walls to add ‘his’
On another event a lady had verbally booked a painting and
another gentleman offered me double the amount!
I refused stating that it was booked and I had completely forgotten that
incident till the lady reminded me recently and laughed at my foolish
decision! I told her that I would have
lost the grace of a good friend had I made the decision over money!
Another lady had displayed my painting in a prime position
of their lovely home and a visitor again offered double the amount! She firmly
informed that she bought it for the love of owning the work and had no
intention to sell it! I was truly touched and felt good that a ‘part of me’ is
so well treasured. Years later when others come to me stating that they are never
bored with my painting or that they would not like to replace my works with any
other, my creative ability is endorsed.
There are couples who have playfully squabbled over two
paintings at a show, till the wife condescendingly ‘allows’ her husband’s
choice to be displayed in their home.
One couple, who have been collecting art over the years, came for one of
my solos and the husband chose a painting called ‘Soul’. Was that a sixth sense of a premonition on the
choice of title and the painting, that he never could come for any of my shows,
as he had passed on…
Those who love to own a painting for their pleasure of
seeing it every day and to ‘grow’ with it are true lovers of art.