Saturday, 4 October 2014

To Be Or Not To Be......LATE !

When a person is called ‘late latheef’ in jest, it is not something to be taken lightly!  It is perceived that the  habitually late person does not respect the other person or is not organized enough to keep the stated time. The IST or Indian Stretchable Time as is meant to explain the mentality of Indians, is indeed nothing to be proud of.

I read about a recent high handed incident at a well known performance theater in Bengaluru, which left me aghast. Some late comers I believe, insisted on the door of the theater be opened for them! Instead of abiding by the rules of the place, arguments and threats were used to intimidate the staff. Just because a ticket for the play is bought, does not give anyone the right to bully or create a scene.
Those who regularly go for plays and other related performances should know that three bells are rung to summon the audience to seat themselves. The third and final bell means that the doors are closed and NO ONE, be it a billionaire or any one with clout is allowed in. The rule is to give respect to the actors who cannot be disturbed during a live performance or for that matter, the audience too.

What does it take to be punctual? Is it the mentality or organizational capability that makes it possible? A case in point is the legendary actor Amitabh Bacchan, who is known to be ‘frightfully’ punctual.  A person of his wealth and standing in society, can surely ‘afford’ to be late to the film sets and keep others waiting!  He and other very successful personalities are who they are, for their qualities which include PUNCTUALITY.

Parents should inculcate the discipline of punctuality along with teaching respectful behavior to their children at an early age.  Money is not the ‘be all and the end all’ of everything.